Welcome to DildoAwards.com

THE Dildo AwardOk I bet your wondering what you are doing here.. Well dildoawards.com is an idea of mine that I came up with while reading news online.. Everyone sees a news link of stupid people doing stupid shit that gets some type of publicity. Not only that some even get reactions out of people.. Well the ones worth noting may end up here.. Some are so amazing or outlandish that they deserve an award. So I bring you dildoawards.com..

I bet your now asking Why a dildo? Because, its a tool.. And if it gets an award then someone or something needs to be slapped directly in the face with a phat one.

Feel free to comment on any of the posts.. Its peoples reactions that make things funny most times. If you would like to submit your own story for nomination please send an email to dildo [at] dildoawards.com with a link to the story and your comments on why it should be nominated..

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