This picture is real – not doctored in any way – and was taken by a Transportation Supervisor for a company that delivers building materials for 84 Lumber. When he saw it in the parking lot of IHOP, he went to buy a camera to take pictures.

The car is still running, as can be witnessed by the exhaust.

The driver finally came back after the police were called, and was found crouched behind the rear of the car, attempting to cut the twine around the load! Luckily, the police stopped him and had the load removed

The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager said they made the customer sign a waiver.

While the plywood and 2X4’s are fairly obvious, what you can’t see is the back seat, which contains
are you ready for this? 10 bags of concrete @ 80 lbs. each.

They estimated the load weight at 3000 lbs. Both back tires exploded, the wheels bent and the
rear shocks were driven through the floorboard.

And these people VOTE.

Boy Killed During Potty Training

Story. Ok this one gives me the chills but this dude definitely gets the dildoaward.. Check it.. A judge ruled that a teenager will be tried as an adult for the death of an 18-month-old boy whose mother testified that he was repeatedly swung like a bat against the wall when the teen became frustrated during toilet training. The girlfriend was pregnant with his baby and the baby he killed wasn’t even his.. Smooth move there Ex-Lax.. DILDO AWARDED..

Father Arrested leaving son in car while at work.

Story HE FORGOT TO TAKE HIM TO THE BABY SITTER??? WHAAATTTT How do you forget your son in the back of your car??? DILDO AWARDED..

His wife phoned him shortly before 3:30 p.m. to ask why the day care had called her to report that her son was not there, prompting Takemoto to race out to the SUV and find the lifeless body of his son still strapped in the car seat, the lieutenant said.