Woman Calls Police About ‘Fake’ Cocaine

A woman was arrested after she called police to help “get her money back” after she was unhappy with the crack cocaine she purchased.

Juanita Marie Jones, 53, called Rochelle Police late Thursday night after she purchased what she thought was a $20 piece of crack cocaine, according to police reports.

She told officers she broke the rock into three pieces and smoked one, only to discover the drugs were “fake.”

She took Officer Joel Quinn and Deputy John Shedd of the Wilcox County Sheriff’s Office into her kitchen and showed them the drugs, police said.

She was promptly arrested on charges of possession of cocaine….

OK.  Where should I start on this one? Your mad cuz your dealer gave you some whack shit so you go and call the cops on him..   Yes of course your gonna get arrested you dildo..  BUT what I want to know is if it wasnt really cocaine and was fake – say sugar, and she got arrested for possession of cocaine..   Cant she sue for wrongful arrest if technically its not cocaine?

1 Comment

  1. OK.. can you spell CRACKHEAD, boys and girls?!?! Man.. you just gotta love dumb ass people.. I mean, i guess you dont have to LOVE them. But damn.. this is some funny mess.

    What a douche.

    -Dat Dude

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